Pillars of treatment

Bio-photonic resonance

Using a computer-controlled program, all organs, systems, and functions are measured via the meridians. Disruptions and blockages are detected, and the causes are revealed within two minutes. The treatment is aimed at removing the blockages with the help of tailor-made digital homeopathy. As soon as the meridians are unblocked and the energy can flow freely once more, your body can start to restore itself.

We will go through the extensive report of the measurements together, which you will also receive by e-mail. Your treatment plan, as well as an overview of all mental and emotional factors that are involved will also be sent by e-mail.

Positive Health

You are not your condition. And yet, in public health care, the focus of attention is usually on your complaint. The concept of Positive Health offers a broader view of health, with more positive outcomes. The emphasis is not on the complaint and its resolution, but on resilience and a meaningful life.

The spider web diagram is a useful tool for discovering how resilient and meaningful your life is. This is another way in which Vitaflow helps you increase your ability to deal with the physical, emotional, and social challenges in life.

Die Gesundheit von Online-Casino-Spielern ist immer stark. Online-Glücksspiele sind ein großes Geschäft, bei dem jedes Jahr Milliarden von Dollar eingesetzt werden. Aber was ist mit den Leuten, die spielen? Kann die Gesundheit von Online-Casino-Spielern als stark angesehen werden? Nun, laut einer aktuellen Studie ist die Antwort ein klares Ja. Die Studie, die vom unabhängigen Forschungsunternehmen IPD Research durchgeführt wurde, untersuchte Daten von 12 verschiedenen beste online casino deutschland. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Glücksspieler im Allgemeinen insgesamt eine gute Gesundheit haben – ohne signifikante Zunahme von Spielproblemen oder anderen schädlichen Verhaltensweisen als Folge des Online-Spielens. Tatsächlich waren die allgemeinen Kundenzufriedenheitsraten mit durchschnittlich 87 % hoch.

Während es sicherlich einige Leute gibt, die Probleme beim Online-Spielen haben (aufgrund von Sucht oder finanziellen Schwierigkeiten), gehen die meisten Spieler verantwortungsbewusst mit ihren persönlichen Finanzen und Spielgewohnheiten um. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass Online-Casinos eine effektive Möglichkeit sein können, Zeit und Geld auszugeben – ohne schädliche Folgen für die Gesundheit.

Although the spider web diagram is not a scientific measuring instrument, it shows very clearly which areas of your life require extra attention. It is therefore useful to fill in the spider web diagram prior to your first consultation. In addition, you can see how you are progressing by filling it in every time before your next treatment.

Natural food

Did you know that if you cut a biodynamically grown cucumber into slices, these slices will grow back together? Such is the vitality of these cucumbers! And did you know that if you let a greenhouse-grown head of lettuce bolt, it will only produce more leaves and won’t be able to reproduce itself? In contrast, a biodynamic head of lettuce can reproduce itself. You may ask yourself which food provides you with more vitality…

In addition to receiving nutritional advice, you will be tested for any food intolerances, which will then also be treated.

Orthomolecular Medicine

Stress, lifestyle, and numerous other factors can cause deficits and disturbances in our metabolism. In the Vitaflow trajectory you will be guided in adopting a relaxed lifestyle and a healthy mindstyle. In the meantime, deficiencies are replenished, and you may receive some course-correction with the help of nutritional supplements, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, flower therapy and spagyric.

Vitaflow works with supplements from Energetica Natura. In the orthomolecular measurement, more than 150 of high-quality supplements are examined to see which one(s) you need to support the treatment. On average, two or three supplements are prescribed. It is also quite common that just one or no supplement is prescribed.


Spagyric is an alchemical method of treatment with medicinal plants and herbs. Alchemy is an ancient wisdom that is a synthesis of science, mysticism, and philosophy. The essences initiate a process that involves not only the body, but also the mind and the soul. The essences can be aimed at relieving symptoms but can also penetrate the deepest layers where the core of the problem can be found. During this process, you may become aware of what has been standing in your way to be able to be yourself and experience a natural state of wholeness.

The comprehensive analysis shows whether the time is ripe for spagyric and which of the 112 plants will support you in your process. These essences will be sent to you by the Spagyriek Apotheek in Marum, Friesland.


Wearing out is better than rusting out…
With the help of a specific measurement, we look for and decide on a form of exercise that makes you feel good and that you enjoy. Fortunately, there are many options for exercising and you certainly don't have to go to a gym if you don't feel like it.

There is no question that exercise is a must because exercise leads to faster healing results. The measurement indicates the form of exercise that will have the most wholesome effect, as well as the intensity and frequency that you will benefit from the most.


Usually, disease is seen as an enemy that must be fought against. But is this the right attitude? Today it is well known that in most cases illness manifests itself in the body because of an emotional shock. So as soon as illness shows up, it is better to embrace it, accept it and try to understand it. Only when this begins to dawn on you, a transformation is set in motion and the real healing process can begin.

Specific measurements in this field will help you with this.